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You looked for escorts or masseurs in Avellaneda

Oops! We haven't found any girls with an apartment in Avellaneda.

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Avellaneda Escorts

What service do Avellaneda escorts not offer?

All the services that the Avellaneda escorts offer to our clients are completely different. It would not be right to limit services to a list of what we do or don't do. 

However, something that all Avellaneda escorts do share is that none of our sexual services are performed without the use of condoms or barriers.

Regardless of whether the client wants to pay more money or is a very old client, all sexual interactions are carried out with adequate protection.

Is the tip of the Avellaneda whores included in the rate?


Although we escorts love to receive tips from our clients, thanks to our charming services and our excellent company; This is an act that is left to the consideration of each client.

Our fees are limited to the services we provide. Some of us can increase them in case we must include the transfer to the place agreed with the client, otherwise, all gifts and tips are the decision of the person we serve.

Can the Avellaneda VIP escorts serve two clients at the same time?

Generally yes.

The Avellaneda escorts lend our services for threesomes of couples, or gentlemen, as long as the three parties involved agree with the practice.

This includes, the security words, what acts we will not carry out during the trio, the fee for the service and of course, that the three parties are sure that we want to be part of the trio.

Are the photos of Avellaneda's escorts real?


All the photos found in our ArgentinaXP profiles are completely real and current. Usually professionally done by a real photo crew and 100%.

It is very unlikely that, on a date with us, a person completely different from the photographs will arrive. Therefore, you can be confident that the girl you want and with whom you have scheduled the appointment is the one who will arrive.

How do Avellaneda escorts calculate their rate?

We can base ourselves on different areas to be able to calculate the rates of our services or our time. Most commonly, we set our rates based on comparing other girls in our area.

We can also do so due to our physical appearance, experience, type of service we offer, the area where we offer it, among others. For this reason, we always ask our clients that the rates are respected.

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