Avoid wasting time – Know the signs to avoid wasting time Posted on 10/21/2022 By Carlos

Avoid wasting time – Know the signs not to waste time,

We say that a person is deceiving us when we feel that they are giving us false hope. In the specific case of a escort from Buenos Aires, can avoid wasting time with a client knowing certain tips.

In this article, we are about to show you some red flags regarding a client's true intentions. Take a look, and if you spot some of these signs when talking to a potential client, know that you could be dealing with a waste of time.

The best tips to avoid wasting time on a date

one compliment after another

If the guy you're talking to keeps complimenting you constantly and tells you how special you are as a North Zone escort and what you are to him is a sign. Many potential clients start off by making cheesy flirtations with vague and generic compliments. They send lots and lots of emoticons without saying anything personal or specific about your appearance or your personality. This is clearly a red flag that suggests this is a waste of time.

Avoid wasting time – Know the signs to avoid wasting time

He just wants to keep you hooked and make you invest time and interest in him, without having any interest in booking you on a date. Avoid wasting time, next time a potential client sends you lots of emojis, keeps telling you how sexy and attractive you are, but doesn't say anything about their actual date, stop the conversation. In most cases it will not end with a date.

Everything talks and there are no plans

As in the previous case, it is the one that keeps you hooked on endless conversations, not to mention long-term plans. Beating around the bush about setting a date for you to meet up or setting dates that are impossible for you to accept are ways he guides you and keeps you hooked for free conversations and photos, without intending to make plans with you.

confuses you with someone else

That's a big red flag, you should avoid wasting your time completely. This person has been chatting with many others Federal Capital escorts and has sent the same message to all of them.

A client who is genuinely interested in meeting you is quick and clear about the time, place, and things they want during the appointment. If he starts talking rejecting all availability you have to meet him and making all sorts of excuses, if he just talks and no action then honey there is a high chance he is cheating on you and also doing the same with other escorts .

A copy and paste approach

If you feel that his approach is impersonal and seems a bit “copy and pasteThen maybe you should listen to your gut. If you have connections with other Belgrano escorts, check with them if they were also approached by the same guy.

Exchange information, maintain a line of communication, and argue with each other about wasting time. If one of you has a waste of time marked on your agenda, you can inform other companions.

Avoid wasting time – Know the signs to avoid wasting time


Definitely, you should avoid wasting time under any circumstances, with those guys who will never come to anything concrete, and who take away time that you can use with real clients.

What other warning signs do you think are red flags that it is a waste of time? Share your experiences with us so that others escorts from Caballito they can know what red flags to look for and fire all the guys who try to fool them under false pretenses.

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