Escort stalkers – Types of stalkers and how to deal with them
Although work as Argentine escorts It has its advantages, the truth is that it also has its disadvantages. Escorts must not only deal with stress, long working hours or dealing with people whose personality is not always pleasant, to this we must add escort stalkers.
Bullies are a serious and dangerous problem, so we have prepared this article so that you know the types of bullies and some tips to deal with them.
Types of escort stalkers
We present you the types of stalkers of VIP escorts from Buenos Aires more common, so you will know in which category yours is, if it represents a danger to you, it can be violent or if it will remain distant.

rejected stalker
A reject is someone who pursues you after having been denied an appointment like horse escort or the one you went out with, but didn't want to do it again. This type of stalkers is the most common and is potentially dangerous; since he keeps feelings towards you and may seek revenge for your constant rejections. It can become extremely violent.
We recommend you:
– Keep your distance from him.
– Talk to people you trust and tell them what is happening.
– If you feel under threat, do not hesitate to go to the corresponding authorities.
Spiteful stalker
This kind of stalker Federal Capital escorts he feels hurt. They tend to believe that you have hurt their masculinity on purpose and are not willing to overlook this fault. He wants to scare you, stalk you and will seek to persecute you. It is not as dangerous as the rejected one.
We recommend you:
– Take legal action without hesitation.
– Do not ask a friend to intimidate him, this could be unfavorable.
predatory stalker
This is the worst kind of bully whores from Zona Norte, the most fearsome of all. The predator is the most dangerous, as it aims to sexually assault its victim. In the face of this class of subjects it is important that:
– Report to the authorities immediately.
– Go with someone to appointments.
– Do not walk alone on the street.
– If possible, move in with a family member/friend for a while or ask them to move in with you until you are sure.
– Change your routine so that it cannot predict your movements.
socially maladjusted stalker
This type of stalkers Belgrano escorts He has intellectual limitations, difficulties in communicating with women and adapting to society. He wants to be in a relationship with you, although his interest isn't exactly romantic. It can be very intimidating and needs medical treatment, but it is completely harmless.
In this case you must:
- Keep distance.
– Do not accept any of his gifts.
– Break any communication with him.
– Notify the authorities if it is very persistent.

How to deal with a stalker?
We have already offered you some tips related to escort stalkers, but the following could also be useful:
– Seek help from a mental professional, a stalker can affect you a lot both physically and emotionally.
– When you are in private and little crowded places, try to ask for help from a friend who is nearby so that you are not alone.
– Do not act directly against him, he could be violent.
– Filter the clients you are going out with.
– Choose public places instead of the client's residence.
– Pay attention to the dates that are significant for the stalker, it may be more intense on those days.
– Try to date clients with whom you have had previous encounters.
We have already shown you some of the types of escort stalkers that you could be a victim of, as well as some of the measures that could help you when you feel that you are being persecuted.
The most important thing is that you stay safe and avoid dealing with it, the vast majority do not persist once it is seen that you took the corresponding precautions to drive it away.
If you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as, Types of Escorts and professional escort.