Safer Sex – Taking care of yourself doesn't have to suck
If we agree on something, it is that the phrase "safer sex” is not exciting. In fact, we have heard so much about the subject that it becomes tedious for us to have to deal with a situation that can become boring.
However, beyond what we can feel with this phrase, it is necessary to be aware of its importance. There are many people who do not take care of their sexuality, and it is the work of a escort from Buenos Aires Keep this matter always in mind, since your economic stability depends on this.
If you want to know the importance of safer sexthen continue with us. It never hurts to get new knowledge.
What is safer sex?
when we talk about safer sex, we refer to taking the necessary actions to reduce the risk of contagion of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). While there is no such thing as completely risk-free intimacy, the only way to stay 100% safe is abstinence.

Obviously, that is not an option, otherwise we would not be able to have fun and grow our capital, since as Federal Capital escorts, our body is our investment and business.
For some people, the safer sex it's just using condoms. For others, it involves using condoms to give or receive oral sex. However, it goes beyond that, it includes being careful where you put your hands and sanitizing all parts of the body well to avoid transferring/acquiring any potential infection.
Importance of safer sex
For a person who is not a sex worker, the chances of contracting an STI are relatively low. However, being North Zone escort, this risk increases and it is necessary to be correctly informed.
The reasons why you should not take lightly the safer sex are two. First of all, that a risk is low does not mean that there is no risk. We only have one body and we must take care of it as best as possible. Second, sex is more fun when you don't have to worry about STIs.
Practice safer sex with an escort
The Belgrano escorts offer a wide range of methods of safer sex according to the preferences of your customers. There is no “correct” standard, everyone takes the level of risk they are comfortable with.
The important thing is that everyone's choices are respected, both the escort and the client. Typically, if two people are involved in an encounter, the standards used should be the higher of the two. This means that you should respect the preferences of your client you are with and set your own.

These preferences regarding safer sex they can range from the use of condoms for intercourse, condoms for the mouth or dental dams. Take the precautions you consider necessary without losing sight of the main objective of sexual intercourse: to obtain/give pleasure.
As we have indicated, having safer sex It is not an essential requirement to maintain relationships as horse escort. Simply, each escort assumes the level of risk that they are willing to take when offering their services.
It is important that all your clients agree with the contagion prevention methods that you use so as not to take risks. Otherwise, you may find it difficult to offer a good service.
If you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as, security words and Signs of a good date.