Sex in the water – The best tips to enjoy it with an escort
Have sex in the water it is a sexual practice that every man has fantasized about at least once. Water has a natural charm that promotes eroticism; gently stimulates the senses with great ease to flood the mind with very interesting naughty thoughts.
Of course, practice sex in the water besides being extremely exciting; It's a fun way to change up your routine, and it can turn into quite the show if you're willing to try something a little different.
After all, changing scenery and humidity easily arouse pleasure on contact with the skin.
The water will make bodies slippery, and if you have the chance to share the experience with a argentinian escort well versed in the art of seduction; your evening may suddenly become much more entertaining than you originally imagined.
But yes, do not forget about protection, because if you have not practiced it before; you'll find out the hard way to have a good time having sex in the water It's not as simple as TV makes it out to be.
So, if you are one of those who are attracted by the idea of enjoying a good round of sex in the water, here we give you some tips to do it safely and enjoy it to the fullest during your meetings with escort.

How to have sex underwater?
Think first of all about the space where you want to hold the meeting with your belgrano escortWhether it's a pool, a beach, a bathtub or just a shower, they all offer their own sources of pleasure that you can surely tap into.
However, be aware that even if you are in the company of a sexy cabin escort; undoubtedly an expert in pleasing her partner in all scenarios; there are some realities about the sex in the water which cannot be skipped if you want to have a good time playing love under the surface.
First steps and things to keep in mind
The first thing to consider is that, strange as it may seem, water actually dries up the natural lubrication of the vagina and the condom.
This particularity makes penetration more difficult and painful, running the risk of causing, on the one hand, microtears in your companion; and on the other, loss of consistency and moisture in the condom, which would turn it into a dry and brittle piece of latex.
If this happens, it is very likely that you recoleta escort contract a bacterial or fungal infection; since most of the spaces chosen for this practice are contaminated with germs or chemical substances.
Similarly, the risk of condom breakage during the act increases; leaving them both exposed to sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy.

For that reason, to enjoy having sex in the water without these drawbacks; The first thing you should do is make sure you have a good silicone-based lubricant on hand.
This specific product is the most beneficial; since it compensates for the presence of external liquid, maintaining consistency for much longer, and it does not evaporate or dry on contact with water like those made from oils or water.
For nothing in the world should you choose similar products like oils or creams, because they will not work for the purpose of retaining moisture underwater.
Second step
The next thing to keep in mind is that, no matter how hot it may seem, underwater penetration will be more complicated for the same reason that we gave you at the beginning; and it will imply that you must constantly take care that the condom has not broken or come off.
That is why the recommendation of the experts is, if you are going to immerse yourself in a pool, beach, or even a deep bathtub; Put on the condom and penetrate before entering the water. Just coat it very well with the lube and you shouldn't have much of a problem.
Also remember to always have a point of support or balance to adhere to it and not lose balance. Weightlessness can be very attractive but an accelerated or poorly executed movement can easily cause a fracture in the penis or at least a slip that ends in a very unwanted accident.
From then on, if you let yourself be guided by the expert advice of the escort you meet, there is no doubt that you will fully enjoy the benefits that the sex in the water can provide you. Because there are definitely many good things that this practice does for you!

How can you benefit from sex in the water?
- Helps relaxation and reduce tension on muscles and joints
- You release more stress
- You have the possibility to increase the flexibility of your movements.
- The water will make you lighter, you will be able to achieve positions that you could not think of doing in bed (or dry land for that matter); and try a whole range of new exciting positions of what is known as Aquasutra.
- You will be able to recreate yourself in the stimulation of your senses with your escort, perceiving sensations at least twice as powerful as if you were out of the water.
The best positions to have sex in the water
Depending on the space where you are, you can experiment with some interesting movements taking advantage of the absence of weight such as the hug or the underwater catapult; that require the woman to wrap her legs around the man's neck or hip while he supports her; the oral submarine if you are in deep water or the seahorse, the aquatic cowgirl and the aquatic chair if you have a bathtub.
You might even prefer something as simple as wall penetration if you just want to put a more fun spin on your shower. When it comes to sex in the water the possibilities are more than we can explain in a few paragraphs.
Despite the existing risks, the sex in the water It is a highly pleasant practice that you cannot stop enjoying if you have the opportunity to meet with a VIP escort.
And if you need some ideas on how you can improve your encounters with them, visit our blog to find interesting information on oral sex and the high level escorts that can turn your evening into an unforgettable experience.