What you should not write in your profile – Know the forbidden words,
Alternating between being an escort and keeping your private life (in private) can be a very difficult thing to do. Especially when you have to keep track of the information you choose to share with your customers. That's why you must know things that you should not write in your profile as Escort from Capital Federal.
A common mistake that companies tend to make VIP escorts new is sharing too much personal information. Thinking that this way they can have a better chance of attracting attention and getting new customers. However, sharing too much personal information can be counterproductive, even putting you in danger.
Things you should not write in your profile as an escort
Your personal phone number
It may seem obvious to some, but your personal phone number is one of those things you shouldn't write on your profile. As indicated, your number is "personal", it should not be used for business purposes. If you are starting out in the escort business, you must first buy a special telephone number for your work as an escort.

Have your personal phone number in your profile as North Zone escort it will leave you prone to receiving calls at all hours of the day, without being able to clearly choose when to respond to work and when not.
Home address
Another thing that you should not write on your profile, ever!, is your address. Neither in calls nor in your profile, avoid indicating the place where you live; Similarly, do not use this address to serve your customers.
Get to rent a room or apartment where you have the opportunity to serve your clients and be able to vacate once you have finished. Consider it a business office. You should only provide this address after you have completed a background check on your client, and preferably one (1) hour before you meet them for their appointment.
Put your address in your profile escort from Belgrano It can put you in a very dangerous situation. Because any customer can show up at your door unannounced, stalk you, or even follow you. Stay safe and share as little personal information as possible.
Personal email
The first thing you should do when starting to work as an escort is to create a completely new identity, you should not write your personal email on your profile. You must have a different name, phone number and email address from your personal life. In this way, you make sure that you do not mix any of these aspects, and take care of your sanity and quality of life.
Having a different email address for your escort activity allows you to keep track of your dates and the conversations you are having with your clients. For your own good, keep your life as compartmentalized and clean as possible.
Social media profiles
being horse escort, you may also want to use social media as a place to promote your business and attract new customers. This is a pretty good strategy, but our advice is to create some completely new social media profiles, in order to keep your escort identity separate from your private life.
Use a nickname as an escort and create an account for Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, etc., and make sure you only post things related only to your life as an escort. You should not write your personal networks in your profile as an escort, in this way things such as your car license plates, a photo in front of your house, a photo with a relative or a close friend, the name of the gym you you attend

You never know who is viewing your profile, and who may become obsessed with you and your life, stalking you or invading your personal space; showing up in all your favorite places or sending you inappropriate messages. That is why it is necessary to know what you can and what you should not write in your profile. Be aware of what you choose to post and disclose when it comes to your daily activities or your private life.
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