Starting as a sex worker – The dress that made me an escort
One of the first things any escort does when starting out as a sex worker is to buy a dress. It doesn't always have to be black, as in my case, depending on the person; It could be a red, shiny sequined dress or an elegant evening gown. Maybe not even a dress… But you can ask anyone escort from Buenos Aires, we all have a story about our first investment in work attire.
When I started working as escort in Federal CapitalHe didn't have much cash, much less in the bank. I didn't have a fixed direction and I constantly asked myself, how was I going to become an attractive and desired person without the necessary resources to carry it out?
An escort must be sexy, elegant and striking, and I hardly had dresses to go out. I had spent several years behind a desk, and most of my wardrobe consisted of jeans, shirts, and jackets. It seemed impossible to me to make a sudden transformation from an office woman to a femme fatale.
A few days before starting as a sex worker, I set out to get an outfit that would make me look like a professional in the sex industry. I wandered the Abasto Shopping aisles, but I couldn't afford any of the luxury boutiques, in fact, I could barely afford some of the cheaper fashion options.
However, the things I saw in the cheaper stores just didn't fit my style. I wanted something that would wow my clients, that would make them feel like they were in the presence of someone worthy of both their time and the fee I was charging.

desperate but determined
I ended up in a thrift store, and it was amazing! There were entire aisles of dresses, of all cuts and colors. Some garments were labeled by the designer, some even had the labels still attached, donated as new.
Going through the shelves, I remembered how elegant people in Buenos Aires dress compared to Santa Rosa (where I had just moved from). I mean, if people were throwing away this kind of stuff, I could only imagine what they must still have in their closets.
I had hopes of getting what I was looking for to start out as a sex worker as I moved from one perch to the next. My fingers flew from dress to dress, and with each one that passed the fear of not finding what I wanted grew bigger and bigger.
Almost casually, my gaze fell on a slim black cocktail dress with a beaded front. She had a lace back, perfectly sexy. My first reaction was: It's too short?, and my second reaction: I love you!
The dress of my dreams
I went to the locker room and put him on top of me. As I was standing in front of the mirror, examining my body from all directions, I suddenly became aware of a change in my behavior. I squared my shoulders back, and for the first time in my life, thanks to the right dress, she can feel me, not just sexy, but incredibly confident. The feeling of security remained even after I took it home and put it in a paper bag.
And when I jumped into it the next day to start out as a sex worker and headed out on my first date as an escort, I was buoyed by an overwhelming sense of doing the right thing. As if this was something I had been waiting to do my whole life. My first hire was fantastic… and I think I owe it to the sexy confidence of finding the perfect dress.

At the moment…
Several years later, and thanks to that black dress, my financial situation improved considerably, as did the rest of my life. I bought a lot of my wardrobe thanks to my new job, but from time to time I still wander the aisles at some thrift stores, to see if I can find something that suits me.
As any other escort will be able to tell you, starting out as a sex worker with the right dress can make all the difference.