Mistakes to avoid – 5 things you should not do with escorts
As a customer, you should know what mistakes to avoid when interacting with a VIP escort from Buenos Aires. Things that will make the girl almost immediately disinterested in dating you.
If you are trying to book an appointment with an escort through WhatsApp, emails or social networks, and you do not receive an answer... it is very possible that you are doing "something" that you should not: you are making a mistake.
Next, we will indicate the 6 mistakes that you should avoid when you want to get a reservation. Harmless actions that have a bigger impact than you think.
5 mistakes you should avoid with escorts
Ask if it is available “now”
Some Federal Capital escorts You can make a same-day reservation, but there is no such thing as an “on the spot” reservation. As a client, and especially if you are new, you must wait for indications, comply with a security protocol and wait for confirmation to carry out the mobilization. However, this situation is not common.

One of the mistakes that you should avoid is thinking that she will be available immediately. Many escorts have a very busy schedule and require a reservation to be made at least one or two days in advance.
We recommend that you read the profile information of the girl you want to date and see her booking requirements.
You have not given the information that is needed
Another of the mistakes that you should avoid is not providing the information that escort from Belgrano I requested you. You must be aware that each reservation must have your name, the date and time you would like to meet and how much time you want to spend with her. Less than that can make it seem like you're not serious.
People who make inquiries without booking are very frequent, it is easy for an escort to think that you are wasting her time if you do not provide essential information.
you are too explicit
The North Zone escorts They are business people, therefore, in the first contact you must show that you will not treat her as an object, but with respect.
Here is a small list of errors that you should avoid:
- Do not send photos, much less of your penis.
- Also do not initiate a sexual conversation without consent.
- Do not make explicit sexual descriptions.
- Under no circumstances ask personal or invasive questions
All of this will get you dismissed as a customer immediately. Everything has its time, until then, keep things polite and friendly.
Do not write to him as if he were another friend
"Hi how are things?" or "hi baby"Don't do that!, a VIP escort from Puerto Madero It is not your company, and it is definitely one of the mistakes that you should avoid.
Write a message that clearly reflects what you want, while maintaining respect:
- First, introduce yourself: Hello, I'm Mathias.
- Then, make it clear what you're looking for: "Do you have availability on the 28th at 3:00 p.m. for a reservation?"
- Lastly, make her feel respected: “If that is the case, I would appreciate it if you let me know. Thank you so much."
It only remains to wait for your response to finalize the reservation and carry out the corresponding negotiation.

don't ask for pictures
Possibly one of the biggest mistakes to avoid with a VIP escort from Argentina is to ask for photos. All escort ads are designed to give you everything you need to determine if she is the right escort for you, including: photos.
While it's understandable to worry about whether the photos on the website match who you want to book, asking for photos will result in you not being taken seriously.
You already know the mistakes that you should avoid with escorts, especially if you are new and want to start off on the right foot. Although it is easy to make these mistakes, you will be more successful in your first contact if you follow our advice.
If you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as, normal dating and schedule an appointment.