How to choose a good hotel – What you should keep in mind as an escort,
When working as an escort, it is normal for you to wonder how to choose a good hotel; not only to ensure that you have the necessary comfort in appointments with your clients, but also to preserve and protect the identity of both.
There's nothing worse than getting stuck in a shitty hotel trying to make calls. We've all been there: paper-thin walls, nosy hotel staff ignoring the “Do Not Disturb” sign, locked elevators, and housekeeping staff acting like you're asking for a List A drug, when you just ask for extra towels.
Top 5 tips for choosing a good hotel
There are many means that promise to take away the doubt of how to choose a good hotel for sexual visits, but few actually comply; For this reason, we have prepared a list with the best tips so that you can choose a hotel from which you do not have to leave early.
Book with caution on Airbnb
Airbnb is a company that has a digital platform dedicated to offering hostels to individuals and tourists; however, it is not suitable for escorts. Many girls have been banned and had their bookings and accounts removed without notice.
If you are going to use this platform to choose a good hotel, make sure you do not have any links to your personal work account and, as a preventive measure; always tell the host that you are traveling with a friend or partner. Be aware of the risk you are taking.

Check access to the building and elevator
If you booked with several clients, the ideal is that everyone can go up to the room (instead of you having to pick them up in the lobby); therefore, you should look for a hostel that offers intercom or does not require an access card.
One of the best ways to verify access to the building and elevator is to Google the name of the hotel along with “key card”, “elevators”, “security”, “protection” and/or “intercom”; reviews of different websites will appear and you can get information.
Make sure you know the lobby setup
Before choose a good hotelYou need to look at the photos where you can see the reception desk in relation to the elevators. In case the elevators require card access, you will have to put yourself to the task of looking for hotels with elevators that are out of sight from the reception desk.
Don't forget access to towels and laundry facilities
If you decided to stay in a hotel and you don't know if they have cleaning services, Google the name of the hotel along with “extra towels” and/or “pool towels”. If the hotel has a pool, there may be extra towels in the pool area. You should be able to find out through the hotel website or from the reviews.
Airbnb apartments and hotels tend to indicate if they offer laundry services and access to towels; so, you will not have to worry about one or another additional towel.
Choosing a good hotel with parking
Hotels usually don't have good customer parking, other than valet parking, which can be really expensive; so stop choose a good hotelFind the nearest parking lot and recommend it to your customers.
For serviced apartments and Airbnbs, you can Google the name of the building and add “guest parking”; you will figure out the situation from the rental listings and reviews.

to really know how to choose a good hotel, you must keep in mind that there will never be a perfect accommodation; much less one that meets each of your standards. However, the more you work, the more you can improvise, go with the flow, and make the situation work.
If you want to find more information on everything related to escorts, you can continue reading on this blog: How to have multiple orgasms and Tori Black.