Passionate kisses – Definitive guide to drive your client crazy
Passionate kisses are an essential part of a satisfying sexual experience. In fact, many Argentine VIP escorts They recognize that a kiss is a more intimate experience than intercourse, motivated by the fact that it implies a special connection that can become more intimate than the carnal act.
Knowing how sensual kisses are, today we want to give you some tips to kiss your client and leave him speechless. Read carefully so that you can put all these tricks into practice.
Tips to give passionate and intense kisses
apply lip balm
The image projected by your lips must be attractive. No client will like to kiss chapped and rough lips, on the contrary, they will look for the hydrated lips of their escort in Buenos Aires look sexy and smooth. So apply lip balm, moisturizer every day and don't forget a nice lipstick to color your lips.

watch the rhythm
The rhythm that you apply to the kiss is also important. The Federal Capital escorts They know how to watch their client's body language to determine if he wants a deep kiss or a soft kiss.
You can also gently massage her lower lip and then her upper lip with your tongue. If you see that he likes it, you can go on gently, if not, he may be looking for a more passionate kiss.
Try the French technique
The French kiss is the favorite of many men. They adore how you intertwine your tongue with theirs, enveloping them in a passionate atmosphere that will make them want more and make them feel ecstatic.
Do not hesitate to give your client passionate kisses before and during sex, this can be the trigger for a very exciting encounter.
Let him take the initiative
if you are one of those North Zone companions who love to be dominant, then you will have no problem doing all the work yourself.
However, many clients like to take the lead when it comes to kissing, so let him do half the work and you do the other. In this way, both will have equal participation and enjoy the meeting.
lick her lips
Tongue kisses are extremely electrifying. If you add to this (as do the Belgrano VIP escorts) give a few licks and sucks to her lips, we assure you that your client will tremble with pleasure.
change your posture
Many times the whores give themselves over to passion and make the mistake of neglecting both sides of the client's face and only give passionate kisses to one of them. To avoid this, it is important that you tilt your head from time to time to make sure the client is feeling comfortable.
Also, make sure you have a balance between both sides of her face, so you don't end up kissing only one side.

move your world
For this you will have to be very visual looking at your client's body language and see if, for example, he likes you to bite his lips, play with his nipples or put your hand in his pants and touch his penis while you kiss him .
The idea is that, as Recoleta VIP escort, find out what he likes and what he doesn't!
Try other erogenous zones
Although we are talking about passionate kisses, you should not only focus on kissing your client on the lips. You can also kiss the cheeks, neck, chest, ears and other sensitive areas. Apart from giving passionate kisses on the mouth, try other areas that leave him delirious and asking for more.
Kissing your client is an important component in ensuring arousal throughout the entire encounter. Giving passionate kisses is one of the factors that will make your client fascinated and want to have another date with you again.
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