Friendship with an escort – Know how to handle this situation Posted on 08/05/2022 By Carlos

Friendship with an escort – Know how to handle this situation,

keep friends with a VIP escort It is something that at first instance not everyone assimilates in a good way. If you just found out that you have a friend who makes a living as an escort, you should know that coming out to friends is very stressful.

The escorts fear the rejection of their friends when they find out about their lifestyle; either because of the exposure that this entails or because of the fear that they will walk away from them out of shame. If you are a friend of one escort from Buenos Aires You must understand that her work is not demeaning, and that you will be very helpful if you support and defend her.

It is for this reason that, if you have an escort friend and you do not know how to deal with this situation, we will give you some advice so that you can cope with this.

Tips to be friends with an escort

don't judge her

First of all, you should not think that being a close friend is a Escort from Capital Federal it's a problem. While you may have fears, worries, and doubts on your mind; Keep in mind that it is a job like any other.

You may be tempted to lecture your friend, but doing so is not a good idea. It is advisable to let her know that you know about her work and want to talk to her about it. This will be more welcome than carrying out some kind of intervention, which could cause damage to your friendship.

Photo 1 Friendship with an escort – Know how to handle this situation

Tolerance does not equal acceptance

“Fine, as long as it makes you happy. Now, let's never talk about this again!" It is not a phrase that any escort wants to hear. If you want to show her that you accept her profession without judging her, you can use other phrases to show acceptance. For example:

  • "Hey, how's work going?" – If you want to address the topic informally.

Part of maintaining a friendship with an escort is being able to be open to having a conversation and letting her as much as she feels comfortable.

Avoid saying the wrong thing

There are many urban myths related to sex work. If you want to know more about what your escort friend does, you can ask her in private, and in a decent way, the things you want to know.

Likewise, you should know that many North Zone escorts they are tired of explaining what they do, depending on how often they have to talk about it. But many understand that giving these explanations is necessary.

Never make the mistake of asking things like:

  • "Are you doing this because you're high?"
  • “You must know a lot of guys with weird fetishes
  • "When do you plan to quit?"

It's unpleasant for her to have to talk about it, and it will affect their friendship.

Do not disclose your occupation

Being friends with an escort means respecting what to do. This translates into not telling anyone else what you know about her. While it may seem like she doesn't care, it really bothers everyone when their profession is discussed without their permission.

Giving importance to escort work, either positively or negatively, can make your friend feel stigmatized.

Talk to her without talking about her work

When you talk to your friends, do they talk about work? It's not usual, right? well with a escort from Belgrano it is not different. You can have a chat with her in the best way without having to touch each other's occupations.

Of course, being friends with an escort means that at any time she talks to you about what she does; since, a bad day, we all have it. When this happens, listen to her carefully and patiently, you are someone she trusts. Don't judge her, don't suddenly change the conversation, and don't give your opinion unless she asks you to.

defend her

If you hear or witness her being badmouthed, please stand up for her. You must remember that they are friends, beyond the fact that it is a horse escort or not. Friendship does not depend on the way in which each one earns a living, but on the loyalty that we can show towards the other person.

So, when you know that malicious comments are being made against her, put a stop to whoever does it, your friend will appreciate it.

Photo 2 Friendship with an escort – Know how to handle this situation


Being friends with an escort is one of the most pleasant things you will be able to experience. Escorts can be fantastic counselors, often with funny stories to tell and lots of wisdom to share.

If you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as, Set limits and Escorts for events.

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9 months ago

be beautiful

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