Bullying customers - Top 5 ways to deal with them. Posted on 16/01/2023 By Carlos

Abusive customers - Top 5 ways to deal with them ,

All Buenos Aires escort knows that abusive customers exist and have to be dealt with one way or another. What starts as a pleasant conversation on the phone, on Facebook, by email or any other means before the actual date can take place, can quickly go to shit. That's when you realise that it's best to stay away from that person.

For this kind of people, the line between being passionate about an escort and being obsessed with her is very thin. Unfortunately, many of these clients hide their true nature very well.

But fear not! We are here to help you. We will help you distinguish what the "symptoms" of obsessive behaviours are and how to deal with abusive clients.

5 ways to deal with abusive customers

You reject him and he gets angry

Let's suppose that, after going out with a client, you decide to take a few days off. This client in question writes to you to see you again, but you don't want to, you want to rest and very politely decline his invitation. However, he insists and becomes more and more insistent and aggressive, to the point of sending you threats...

Photo 1 Bullying customers - Top 5 ways to deal with them.

What to do in such cases? You can't wait for that abusive customer to come to your house one day and hit you as soon as you open the door. Don't let things come to that.

Call the police and report the situation, it will make him back off. Move to a friend's house for a while, and if you can, change your work phone number.

Your client spies on you

Abusive customers are often obsessed with the escorts in Capital Federal. If you feel you are being watched from across the street or if your client tells you something you have never told them about yourself, seek help.

Again, the police should be the first number you should dial. If that doesn't help, blacklist the man and change your daily routine. Staying at a friend's house for a while can be just as effective.

They give you too much attention

Being escort from Zona NorteIt is normal for some customers to tell you that they have enjoyed their time with you through phone calls, emails or any other means. It is even normal, to some extent, for them to send you flowers or gifts.

The problems start when they tell you how much you mean to them, every day! Abusive customers send messages and gifts very frequently, and that should be a red flag for you.

In these cases you should indicate that you would like your boundaries to be respected. If that doesn't work, block them by all means by which you communicate with them.

Try to enter your life

First of all, abusive customers want you to think of them as your friend. They will start by saying that they will be there for you whenever you need them and so on. They might even be in the same place as you, e.g. in a café, and blame it on coincidence.

These attitudes will give you a false sense of having someone to rely on when you have a bad day at the office. The important thing is that, as Caballito escortIf you feel that this client is trying to make his way into your life, block him.

Your client thinks you are lovers

Obviously, this is another warning sign that he may become an abusive client at some point. If your client believes they are in a relationship, it is best to make your points clear and avoid problems with them from the outset, not feed that false belief.

Remind him that you are a Belgrano escort professional and who is crossing the line. Be firm and let them know that you will no longer accept their bookings if they do not respect your boundaries. Remember that the police will always be your ally against them.

Photo 2 Bullying customers - Top 5 ways to deal with them.


Abusive customers seem nice, polite and attentive to your needs, but they can quickly become your worst nightmare. We hope that our tips will work for you and that you will be able to handle this type of situation very well.

Also, if you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as Messages to escorts y Dating accessories.

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