Sexual escorts for people with disabilities ,
It is no secret that people with disabilities have the same desire for intimacy, sex and companionship as anyone else. But because of social prejudices, they may sometimes have difficulty having sex. Sexual escorts for people with disabilities , which meet the needs of these people as well as any other.
What is the sexual escort service for people with disabilities about?
This is when a sex worker professionally accompanies persons with disabilities, helping them to achieve an active sex life and to experience sexual freedom and access to their own or another person's body.

You are at VIP escorts do not usually work in prostitution in exchange for money as most people think, but are willing to offer affection, intimacy and trust; establishing certain limits between the two, accompanying the person with a disability in everything they may need related to the sexual area; because it is a basic need of human beings.
Through this type of service, people with disabilities are able to grow as individuals, improve their self-esteem, promote their autonomy, gain self-knowledge and freedom, and avoid frustration.
As well as being active in sexual relationships helps them to feel attractive and attracted to other people, improving their outlook on life.
A true story of disabled sex
One particular case you should know about is that of the American poet and journalist Mark O'Brien, who was disabled because he had an artificial lung that kept him in a wheelchair.
A strict religious upbringing and his physical difficulties never allowed him to interact with people of the opposite sex. But one day he decided that he had to put an end to this impediment and did not want to die without having experienced sexual intercourse.
Thus, at the age of 38, she decided to lose her virginity, resorting to sex therapy to initiate herself into this world.
What are sex-assisted therapies?
They are also known as sex support therapies and are aimed at people with neurological and physical difficulties; they have been carried out for more than 20 years in European countries, mainly in Belgium, Switzerland and Denmark.
In those countries, the state is in charge of subsidising this service, as if it were physiotherapy or kinesiology sessions. For example, in Barcelona, Spain, there are organisations such as Sex Asistent Catalunya, and in Argentina there is AMMAR, which organises training courses for sex assistants.
At first it was thought that the difference between sex work and sex work was training, but it is known that most women have been doing it forever; and every day this demand is growing, they know and bring a perspective on functional diversity.
Who does sex work?

Within these organisations there are also people who carry out the work as Sexual escorts for people with disabilities , It is up to the individual to decide how to approach the activity.
As for the demand, it is more from men; because fewer women demand this assistance and therefore very few men work as assistants and of course there are also disabled people who are lesbians and gays.
In terms of the service itself, sometimes it is couples where both have severe physical disabilities; your help may be to pick them up and accompany them to a private place and intervene in certain situations. There may also be the situation of a person with a spinal cord injury, which means that they require help to move around or if the person has a catheter, help is given to remove it and even something simpler such as putting on a condom.
As far as sexual encounters are concerned, there is also the option of having sex with the assistant. It is a proposal for certain occasions, as some people with disabilities had their first sexual encounter with an assistant.
Sexual assistance is not seen as a therapy or a necessity, but as part of the desire of the person with a disability. It should also be noted that many people with disabilities may have a steady partner, occasional or otherwise, but many of them do not actually agree to have sex, for reasons of discrimination.
Sex work for the disabled
In the organisation AMMAR in Argentina, they organise reflection days where they talk about the regulation of sex work, trying to incorporate the issue of people with disabilities.
This is because recently, sex workers have been the only ones providing sexual services to people with disabilities, and that is why they are trying to give a different framework to this work. The aim is to try to ensure that they do not do it out of pity or compassion, that the places where disabled people are served do not have barriers for them, and that they know what to do with a disabled person.
All this is not to say that by catering to disabled people, sex workers ennoble their work, but rather it will be a union for the legalisation of their activity. Both people with disabilities and sex workers escort girlsBoth groups have suffered a lot from historical stigmatisation, and even against their will, both groups want to be rehabilitated.
Prejudice in sexual activities for people with disabilities
For many people, sexual assistance to people with disabilities is controversial, but it is something that cannot be judged as wrong, because otherwise many would not have been able to exercise their sexuality.
This is linked to the fact that disability involves prejudices that have been constituted as barriers. On the other hand, sexual assistance with prejudice assumes that people with disabilities are asexual beings.
Although it is frankly not known whether the best option is to exercise sexuality through assistants, but in reality it is the only one available. This is a mentally taboo subject, because disabled people tend to be infantilised and in institutions such as those mentioned above, the right to sexuality is not very well recognised.
In the end, this whole issue of sex for money can be interpreted in different ways, including in the women's movement itself, and the expression of sexuality in persons with disabilities will depend on breaking down prejudices.
As these differently abled people cease to isolate themselves, their difficulties will become the same as those that all people have in connecting with each other.
There are even women who do not only work as Sexual escorts for people with disabilities ,There are men who do not have a disability and seek out women with disabilities because they are attracted to them.
Comments (2)
Lisandro Alfredo Lagunas
3 years ago
I am mobility impaired, I don't walk much, I would like to know more?
2 years ago
Hello, my name is Noemi, I'm the mother of Pablo, a very good boy, a law student at the University of Buenos Aires, a career that is currently on hold, he's 30 years old, he doesn't suffer from any illness, but a few years ago he had an accident that left him quite impaired in his walking, which led him to live somewhat isolated, and things aren't so easy for him to fall in love with a woman, and you know the importance of sexuality in people. He is 30 years old, he looks younger, and, as happens to all of us, he is in need of a bit of female affection and so on.
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