10 keys to increase concentration.
Whether it is a matter of intimacy, work, or studies, most of our activities require a large part of our time. concentration. It is important to stress the relevance of concentration in relation to learning and memory. It can be really hard to cope with the various distractions in our daily lives. Maintaining a good level of attention for long periods of time is one of today's biggest problems. That's why we aim to highlight a few keys to help you improve your lifestyle:

1. Metacognition and concentration.
What is it all about? It is key to learn how attention works in general. To do this, it is essential to know the distractors that affect you the most. This level of registration of the external stimuli that defocus us is fundamental to change our concentration. These fundamental aspects will help you to better manage your attentional resources.
2. Breaks.
Regular breaks are strongly recommended. Of course, the best, say experts, is in natural settings; it is extremely important to breathe fresh air and, if possible, to see the horizon as a way to rest. "Studies such as the one conducted by Marc G. Berman and his collaborators at the University of Michigan in 2008 have shown the power of natural environments such as forests and parks to reduce attentional fatigue". Walking or resting in a park can be extremely vital.
3. Cognitive training.

The scientific world is increasingly insisting on the possibility and necessity of improving mental abilities. These are not just for specific jobs, but help you in the performance of all everyday activities. "Jolles and colleagues published in 2013 that working memory training promoted changes in connectivity between structures in the brain's fronto-parietal network". This network is "involved in the processing of attention. Thus, the online training programmes could be a more innovative and fun option that allows you to exercise your concentration skills wherever you are".
4. Modification of the environment for more concentration.
It is highly recommended to start with environmental hygiene. What does this mean? It means eliminating as many distractions as possible after having identified them. These can be social networks, messages, television, contact with people. All these elements can capture your attention and prevent you from focusing on the important task at hand. It is also important that you are really comfortable, so don't forget to control the temperature of the room, use a comfortable chair, etc.
5. The practice of meditation.
"In 2007, a team of researchers led by Yi-Yuan Tang, described in an article published in the scientific journal PNAS that training 20 minutes a day for five days was enough to improve performance on an attention test, as well as reduce anxiety and fatigue". However, it is important to understand that this isolated exercise will not necessarily be functional. In parallel, one must be able to work on maintaining attention on whatever it is that one sets one's mind to. This healthy effort, together with meditation, can yield wonderful results.

6. Thought control.
Often when we want to concentrate and one is distracted by other things because of the free flow of one's thoughts, it can be functional to keep a re-orienting word in reserve. Choosing a word to say to yourself as a warning can be a great strategy. You can say to yourself 'concentrate', or 'get back to your study', either in a stern tone, or in whatever way works best, and it can be a great help to, once unfocused, get back to concentrating.
7. The role of video games in concentration.
"In a now classic study from the University of Rochester (New York) published in Nature, it is observed that those who played action video games improved their visual selective attention, were able to attend to more stimuli and were more efficient in the way they used their attentional resources". However, video games can be highly addictive and one often seeks to return to them, which is a double-edged sword. If one has the ability to organise one's time minimally, it is recommended to leave games for the end of work or only for breaks. We don't want a poorly nuanced advice to lead to poorer concentration.
8. Alternate tasks.
Doing the same thing all day long can be a great blessing when it is a practice one enjoys, but it can also be exhausting. Re-emphasising time management is not superficial. "Alternate subjects or tasks and also their degree of difficulty, or the kind of learning strategies you need to put in place. Avoiding saturation will keep you motivated.

9. Anxiety management.
How often do we have so many things to do that it becomes a headache to know where to start? Or on the other hand, perhaps it can happen that we know where to start, but when we start, we are invaded by thoughts and worries about what we still have to do. If you are looking for a good strategy to avoid this, it is recommended to organise your daily activities and keep a timetable, which will make it easier to focus on the task at hand.
10. Physical exercise.
"A whole body of literature points in the direction that physical exercise improves cognitive performance. Michele T. Tine and Allison G. Butler published a paper in 2012 in the journal Experimental Educational Psychology in which they showed that brief (12-minute) aerobic exercise improved selective attention ability in a group of children." Even if it is a tough task it can be very effective, and rewarding yourself for effort can be extremely beneficial. "For example, if you feel like getting up to see what's in the fridge, do it when you have completed part of your work, but not for leaving it half done. That way the prize will taste better. The philosopher Frederick Nietzsche recommended not to give credence to any thought that arises without first exercising the muscles and without having arisen in the open air.
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