Consent - The key to a successful date with escorts,
When we talk about having consent, we refer to the agreement between several parties or participants to consciously give, accept or allow an action. In the vast majority of situations, the consent of the participants is required for things to flow in a positive way - with a VIP escort in Buenos Aires is no exception!
Consider this: are you the type of person who finds it hard to ask for things on a sexual level without feeling uncomfortable? If your answer is "yes", then stay to the end!
We'll give you some infallible tips to make having consent your ally and get what you want in bed.
What does it mean to have the consent of an escort?
Before you know how you can get that resounding "yes" to your requests, you should know that the basis of consent is communication. Here is a brief example:
Has it ever happened to you that you are with an escort and you want to try certain things, but you see that the other person is making gestures and you don't know if he/she is enjoying it or not? Right there, or maybe before that moment, is where communication is crucial.

The Puerto Madero escort The person you hire will surely do everything possible to make you feel good, comfortable and enjoy the moment; but remember that she, like you, is a person who feels. If you don't talk about the likes and dislikes, the experience can be anything but what you are looking for.
Therefore, in order to have consent, we invite you to put these tips into practice:
Ask your escort if she wants the same as you do
For example, "I would love to kiss you right now"
The first step in obtaining consent is to ask beforehand, but not in a serious or awkward way, rather in a sexy and flirtatious tone. The same applies to these scenarios with your escort from Zona Norte:
- Games that involve penetration. Such as fingering, inserting toys or having sex.
- Anything quick, surprising or painful should be consulted beforehand. For example, rough sex.
- Anal sex. It is not polite to approach someone's bottom without asking, let alone introduce objects without first having the other person's consent.
Make sure you know how he or she is doing
At this point it is a good idea to ask your Belgrano whore how you feel about what you are experiencing. But not a repetitive "how you feel"On the contrary, with a look and a morbid gesture from time to time, you can ask him to verify if the speed or intensity should be reduced, or on the contrary, increased.
Ask him how he felt
Once you have enjoyed the morbidity, the pleasure and the intensity of the encounter, ask your companion from Capital Federal how she spent it and what she liked the most.
These details will be a feedback where both of you will give each other ideas, especially if you have frequent encounters with her. Plus, it will help you do much better next time, give each other just what you like and really enjoy the moment.

What if you feel uncomfortable?
If you are not very communicative, it may be awkward or uncomfortable at first to talk about sex, your likes and dislikes, and how to listen to the other person. However, it is an important skill to learn to exploit in order to be able to consent to your requests and give the same to the other person.
Becoming skilled at sex takes time, practice and communication, as well as being confident that the other person is enjoying the act as much as you are. Consent is a kind of shortcut for both you and your partner to feel comfortable and in rapport.
Don't be afraid to speak up and say what you like or what you want! We assure you, knowing how to negotiate can provide you with very pleasant adventures.
Also, if you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as Relationship ladder y Frequently Asked Questions.