What you need to know about the female orgasm: to be a remarkable sexual partner
If we continue reviewing surveys, we come across a survey on Sexual Health and Behaviour carried out by the University of Indiana (USA). The data from this survey are very alarming. When it comes to orgasm, 91% of men experienced orgasm during their last sexual intercourse compared to 64% of the women surveyed. Of course, the figure decreases if we are talking about the first time they had sex.

Impediments to sexual response
55% of males achieved this compared to a minimal percentage of only 4% for females. Overall, the experts calculate impressive figures. 10% of women have never experienced an orgasm or anything like it.. In order to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to reflect on several issues at the same time.
We must thinking about "the sexual response in general. This is how sexual relations work: in response to certain stimuli, a sexual response to a greater or lesser degree of readiness occurs. This of course involves the body. However, the mind and the body operate at the same time. That is to say, both are working together in a complex way. Therefore, both need to function in certain ways in order for a sexual response to certain stimuli, leading to orgasm.
A wide range of factors create impediments to orgasm. Problems such as a history of sexual abuse, rape, even boredom, fatigue, lack of physical activity, and stress. It can be caused by a lack of sexual knowledge, negative attitudes, shyness, or various types of complexes. In many cases, these are medical conditions, and with a few simple prescription medications or advices sexual response increases their performance and their self-flow. There are also medicines for chronic diseases, depression, hormonal disorders, pelvic pain caused by endometriosis, damaged nerves or vaginal dryness.
Parenting and sexuality
For many people, not being able to climax can be the cause of a lethal combination. A mixture of a strict and generally religious upbringing and a lack of understanding of one's own body. For both women and men, knowing one's own body is essential. Finding such low percentages in the female orgasmsIt makes sense to emphasise that it is not so easy for them to reach orgasm. Boys, on the other hand, do not generally have such problems; at least not often. It is important to know that women, especially, associate many emotions with sex. This is also true for menIn them, sexual relations leading to orgasm are more often than not of a mechanical nature.
A woman, on the other hand, if she was raised to believe that sex is 'bad' or 'dirty', will probably not feel comfortable. Nor is she comfortable with you touching her genitals or allowing anyone else to do so.
For many women, even pronouncing the word vagina can be problematic and emotionally charged. Some women may also lack the courage to talk about their difficulties, either to their partner or to their doctor. The origin of the shame may be that they have never felt an orgasm and do not want to go through the trouble of confessing it to someone.
As anyone would feel in such a position, it happens that you can play make-believe. The idea is to pretend that you have actually experienced the sensation. "Every time there's a conversation about it, I get the impression that orgasm is easy for everyone except me," says one 24-year-old, "I spend all those sexual conversations feeling like a fraud," says another.

Education and information
It does not circulate in general, or it circulates in a covertly formal way that learns to reach the orgasm for a woman may require a skill, a technique, a knowledge of self and the other.
It is very difficult to find a young girl in our western world who has not seen a film or classmates imitating the movement of men masturbating.
Although all men have a general idea of how women climax, it is, given the circumstances, an entirely different matter. For women, onanism, i.e. self-masturbation, is something you learn: you are not born knowing how to do it instinctively. For how many men this is also the case when it comes to the female orgasm. Learning how to bring a woman to orgasm is as important as it is interesting, but it also requires attention.
If you want to continue, as we have done through our ArgentinaXP articles to be a great sexual partner, you should know that orgasms originate from the clitoris of course.. You need to know where it is and how to stimulate it effectively.. It is essential as a heterosexual man that you know the female sexual response system and how you are supposed to get there.

An expert on female sexuality tells women:
"Forget about your partner giving you your first orgasm (maybe, but it's not the norm). Don't expect it: few women climax with a man for the first time (although the statistics for lesbians may be different) because they also have no idea what they're doing at first".
How can it be that men have such a bad reputation as sexual partners! From this space we are trying to change that, so you can give your favourite escort back the best sexual pleasure whenever you want. To do so, you must acquire information through sex education.
Key to female orgasm
A 2010 survey in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that 81% of women who had oral sex in their last sexual encounter had clitoral orgasm, compared to 60% who had vaginal stimulation. Expert Cox says to women: "I am not a woman's only orgasm.You can also achieve it by switching off the brain. The fact that a woman requires this extra neurological step may explain why it takes her on average three to ten times longer than a man to reach it.“.
But whether this works strictly for all women is not something we claim in our space, and it can certainly work for many men as well.

You have to make him feel at ease and lose control.
"The key to orgasm is in the loss of control, That is where the whole point lies. In an orgasm one loses, for a few milliseconds, the control of the corporeality, which is so conscious in arousal. It is necessary to allow yourself to lose control; It is likely that many women will not want to, or will not be able to go through the experience freely and without prejudice.
She continues: "Pleasure is linked to whether I let myself be carried away by what I feel or whether I am alert to see what happens to me or thinking about how I look, how I look at that moment, what image I am giving, what I feel physically or whether the other person will like it or not". A specialist assures us.
With this knowledge, men can get a better idea of what the female sexual response is like in general and how to apply this knowledge to better sexual performance.