Quick and easy Skin Care routine for escorts
Taking care of your skin is the best thing you can do, especially when it comes to facial care. That's why we're introducing you to skin care routines.kin Care for escortsYou can do them during the day and at night. This will make you look more radiant before and after putting on your make-up. Best of all, they are easy to do and only take a couple of minutes.
What products should I use for my Skin Care routine as an escort?

There are two types of skin care for escortsYou can do them in the morning, as soon as you wake up or at night before going to bed. The products you should have on hand to make each one, you can find them in this space:
Daytime Skincare Routine
The routine of Skin Care for escorts Daytime cleansing is done as soon as you get up, it is to wash your face and give it shine for the rest of the day. For this, the products you should buy are as follows:
- Neutral facial soap: it will help you to get rid of the spit-up and sweat that occurs during sleep.
- Toner: there are different types of toners, but the best one is rose toner to try in the morning, as it refreshes your face.
- Serum: the ones you use in the morning are vitamin C serums, to keep your skin well nourished.
- Eye contour: helps to correct dark circles under the eyes.
- Moisturiser: which if you have very oily skin is best omitted or only applied if you are going to wear heavy make-up.
- Sunscreen: this is a must, as it will protect you from the sun's rays, preventing spots and early ageing.
Night Skin care routine
This is a routine of Skin Care for escorts which will help you to remove impurities that have passed during the day, and you can also give yourself easy massages if you wish. An extra you can include is ice, which has the task of tightening pores and firming the skin. The products you should have are as follows:
- Make-up remover: only use if you have any make-up on your face.
- Neutral facial soap: wash your face well, even better than washing it in the morning.
- Serum: here you can use other types of serum, especially if they are acidic, as they can only be used at night time to avoid blotching of the face.
- Eye contour: to soothe dark circles under the eyes and care for the thinnest part of the face.
- Night cream: special for moisturising, but in case you have very oily skin it is better not to apply it.
- Anti-acne cream: for any pimples on your face.
Of course, if you have a skin condition, it is best to seek advice from a specialist dermatologist, as these products can often cause allergic reactions.
Skin Care Routine for Day Escorts
We start with the first routine of skin care for escorts during the day, this is the most important, as it not only protects your skin during the day, but also prevents make-up from causing allergic reactions:
- The first thing you should do is rinse your face with the facial cleanser, whether it comes in a cream, gel or a bar as such, it will still work.
- Then you start applying the day serum. These can be normal or with different types of vitamins, which don't cause any skin blemishes with sun rays. You can either do quick massages to help further accentuate your features or simply in a circular motion.
- Under the dark circles you start to apply eye contour, if they are very deep, it is advisable to apply ice or specialised pads for this area.
- Moisturising cream: this is the next step, which should be applied in small amounts. It is important that if you are going to apply make-up at any time of the day you also apply it.
- Finally, there is the sunscreen, this is one of the most valuable parts, especially if you find yourself in summer days, however, in winter you can never be without it.
Skin Care routine for night escorts
The routine of Skin Care for escorts nighttime, is a little more elaborate, as this is the time when you remove all the dirt you have accumulated during the day. You start as follows:
- The first step is to remove your make-up. We recommend that if your make-up is very thick, it is best to use make-up remover wipes first to remove as much make-up as possible, then you can use a specialised make-up removal cream or gel.
- Next comes the facial gel or bar soap, which will remove the remaining make-up and bacteria that has accumulated in your pores.
- The acid serum should be left on for a few minutes so that it can work on your skin, as it will help to remove all the blackheads. It should not be exposed to the sun, as it can cause spots as well as remove them.
- For the eye contour it is best to apply it in circular motions so that it can penetrate more deeply into your skin.
- The night cream is important, you can do it in circles and in a moderate amount.
- In case you have some pimples, it is essential that you apply your special acne cream. This would be the end of the whole routine.
Other Skin Care tips for escorts
It is important to exfoliate your skin at least once a week, as this will help to make it more porcelain-like and remove impurities. On the other hand, masks of natural products are also recommended at least every 3 days.
In case you suffer from skin problems, it is important that you treat yourself with a specialised dermatologist and do not follow the common routines of skin care for escortsYou may develop an allergy to certain components.