Sexual preferences - Find out what kind of lover you are,
Knowing what you like, what you sexual preferencesHow you are as a lover and how you react to different things in bed is very important. Finding out what your tastes are in bed is the whole process of defining and differentiating yourself as a lover. VIP escort.
When it comes to sex, sexual tastes and desires, people are divided into multiple types. Curious about what kind of lover you are? Don't be afraid to step out of your own boundaries and comfort zone and explore your sexuality, see what suits you best, what makes you happy and what makes you have the best orgasms.
Are you the silent type, the biter, the kinky, the moaner, the loud, the romantic, or maybe the sex fiend? We can't wait to see which category you think best describes your sexual skills and naughty moves between the sheets.

Find out what your sexual preferences are
Silent and passive lover
May you be a escort from Capital Federal doesn't automatically mean you are a crazy sex machine who moans every time a tongue touches your body. There are silent escorts, the passive type of lover, who let men take the initiative and do what they want in bed. This type of escorts have their own niche of clients, men who like to take charge or dominate.
There are clients whose sexual preferences are a bit rougher sex. They like to feel the escort from Zona Norte ecstatic, biting, screaming, scratching them as she reaches orgasm. A biter is an acopañante who leaves marks or scratches on the back of her clients. Let them dominate and be dominated at the same time, this way, they enjoy sex much more.
The girlfriend experience, also known as GFE, is one of the most desired services by escort clients. This is because they crave the feeling of being in a relationship. They want more than sex, they want cuddling, they want whispers in their ears, they want to talk and be listened to.
An escort with these sexual preferences is the one who likes to take things easy, is fun, open-minded, cheerful and sweet; these clients are the most suitable ones. So, if you have that innocent look and know how to take things easy and give the whole package of love to a man, you are the romantic type, and the GFE experience is the best.
Noisy lover
If you love to shout out how ecstatic you feel, without fear of people hearing you, then your sexual preference is to be a screamer, and that's a great ego boost for all men! Make sure you inform them of this detail, by writing your description text as Belgrano escortso that the right clients can book it and take some safety precautions. Such as soundproofing your place and not having to worry about neighbours hearing you screaming, moaning or making noises while you give them the sex of their life during the date.
Sex fanatic
Do you have crazy sex scenes in your head? Do you love to do all kinds of crazy things to turn your client on? Wear weird costumes, make animal noises, talk dirty, etc., just because it amuses and excites you! Then make sure you promote yourself in the right way. Indicate that you love to do all kinds of naughty things that make you so special for certain types of clients. Own your inner craziness and make money out of it!

Now that you know the types of sexual preferences, choose the one that makes you feel the most identified and earn a lot of money with it. Remember that as Caballito escort You should also know the type of taste your client has, this way you can please each other and enjoy a better date.
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