Penis Smell - Make your cock smell good for your escort
If you want the VIP escort the one you're sharing your cock with and give you the best blowjob in the world, then you should take care of the smell of your penis. No woman, even if you are paying, will go near a penis that smells bad.
It is important to take care of the health of our whole body, including our intimate area. The penis by itself does not smell good, and that is normal. Especially if you are not circumcised, the foreskin is the main cause of penis odour. This is because the folds of skin help the proliferation of odour-causing bacteria.
That's why you should wash and dry your penis properly, to avoid the nasty "dick cheese". Its correct name is smegma, and it is a mixture of dead skin, bacteria and sweat.
How to maintain good penis odour
Test the smell of your penis before sex
A sniff test is very easy to perform, in fact, it's a must if you want to have the escort from Zona Norte feel comfortable with your company. Then, before undressing and getting ready for sex, take a Q-tip and swab the glans (head of the penis) and then smell. If you detect a bad smell, move on and take a shower.

Wash at least once a day with soap and water.
Use antibacterial soap if the odour of your penis is very strong, a deodorant soap if you want to remove all odour from the area, or a normal mild soap if you shower regularly.
It is very important to shower, especially if you have been sweating, because sweat can get trapped in the groin area and cause an unpleasant odour. Remember to wash your penis VERY WELL, not just a little soapy water. Clean all the creases carefully and you should be fine.
Dry it well
It is very important to make sure that the area is very dry before putting on your trousers. This way you prevent moisture from being trapped and turning into odour.
Regularly tidy up the area
Trim the bush or, better still, shave it completely. This is necessary if you want to make a good impression. Most of the escorts in Capital Federal appreciates that there is no pubic hair when performing oral sex. In addition, the hair traps odours, heat and moisture.
Make your own penis perfume
Don't use your usual perfumes to modify the smell of your penis. Commercial perfumes contain alcohol, which can irritate the sensitive skin of your intimate area. Instead, you can surprise your Belgrano escort making your own perfume. All you need to do is add the following ingredients to a bottle:
- Half distilled water
- Half Aloe Vera Gel
- Half a teaspoon of baking powder
- 1-2 drops of essential oil (any scent you like).
- Shake it well and voila, you have created your own personalised crotch perfume.
Another thing you can use, to improve penis odour, is coconut oil. Use it as a body lotion and it will act as an antibacterial. Also, you can use baby wipes several times a day when you are away on business or at work. Use them after urinating, because even if you are shaking it after urinating, urine can still end up in that area.

If you follow all these tips, we assure you that you will get a good smell in your penis and you will have a spectacular date with your partner. Caballito escort. In case you still have a bad smell in your trousers, you should take into consideration that you may be dealing with a yeast infection. If the odour is accompanied by a cheesy discharge and a burning sensation when urinating, don't waste time and see a doctor.
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