More pleasure: How to provoke a wonderful orgasm by stimulating the breasts? ,
Is it possible to burst with pleasure, and even make your partner melt, simply by caressing a very sensitive erogenous zoneWhat are breasts like? We will explain it below.

Claiming pleasure in the breasts
It is extremely important, for the sake of pleasure, reclaiming nipple pleasure. Given the little information that circulates on the subject, there are many women who have not felt them, or who were on the verge of feeling them and were interrupted. Maybe you don't know all the sexual secrets, there are countless and many still undiscovered, but se can always learn a little more. Both by one's own hands or with the sex toy aid you can reach a beautiful climax. It is in the men's magazine 'Men's HealthThe experiences of some women who have felt them have been collected.
The attitude to be an expert
So, is there a trick to experiencing them? The idea is that this article will give you some good ideas for your own sexual encounter with your partner. escort. You will feel the reward of having taken an interest and learned a little more about it when you put this sexual information into practice. The important thing is enjoy and finding new horizons of pleasure where everyone involved in the sexual relations can have a great time and have the possibility to have a good time. innovate. It is time to to put aside shame and assert one's own enthusiasm and research spirit.
Origin of the word "Enthusiasm" and new forms of sexual pleasure
Why do we emphasise the enthusiasm? The origin of the word is Greek and means divine possession, as with a God inside! In this case it will of course be a god of pleasure, and as such, of sexual knowledge.
A 24-year-old girl, Jennifer, says she sometimes feels a little embarrassed about the sensitivity of her nipples. She rightly explains that "are a very erogenous zone".. And it continues: "When I say that I always cum as soon as they are stimulated, people tell me that I'm very lucky, but it's actually a bit of a tricky business... for example, I can't run much in the gym because they rub against my T-shirt or bra. Sometimes it's a problem, I wish they weren't so sensitive"..

Of course, this must be made clear, each breast is a world of its own. However, if you've made it this far already it is time for you to know that if you think that to stimulate them you only have to touch the nipples, you are not right. and you can look bad. It is very important to treat them gently, not to hold them as if they were a radio knob, or a doorknob. Nor should you focus on them alone. Starting by caressing the whole breast and slowly approaching the aureole gently, and finally reaching the nipple, is a good way to conduct yourself. It is extremely exciting, y ¡it is even possible for her to squirt with pleasure! and sits in the sky. He won't forget you so easily.
Experiences of breast pleasure
"You have to play with them for a long time for it to work," explains Laurah, 32. "But, when they start sucking or stroking them, I always end up cumming. A lot of times guys don't even believe it, they think I'm faking it because they've never seen anything like that, but I'm not lying. It happens to me all the time. According to 21-year-old Nora, sometimes it can even be painful. This is very important: "At the beginning, when I didn't have a boyfriend, it was great, because even if the sex was rubbish at least I knew I would climax just by having my breasts stimulated... but now that I have a partner we compete to see who gives the most pleasure to the other, and of course, sometimes he caresses me so much that it can even be painful...".
It is extremely important to learn how to regulate this, and it can even be said that if you gain a little experience in this respect, the difference starts to become very noticeable.
Be imaginative
Being empathetic, being encouraged to try, communicating and being imaginative are key elements. However, one can imagine that he is offering a great deal of pleasure, and yet perhaps he is not doing it quite right. Therefore, while self-confidence is important, one must be alert and attentive to the woman's response.. It is key to know that Not only hands can be involved, but the tongue (sucking and licking) can also be a fantastic idea, offering gentleness as well. Of course the sex toys always have a place in these experiences. Even feathers can make a big difference, and breaking the sexual routine reaching new thresholds of pleasure.

"It happened to me often when I was pregnant". says 25-year-old Sarah. "It might have something to do with the menstrual cycle, but it's true that it's not so much now, maybe it's something to do with the menstrual cycle. I have to be really horny for it to happen to me.... although sometimes, when I put ice on the area, when I am very excited, it usually happens to me.“
Take note! It can also happen to boys, and with great pleasure. Roger, 30 years old, for example, tells us that it only happens to one nipple, specifically the left one. "When my partner starts caressing and touching him, it gives me great pleasure... I have cum on more than one occasion".. It has become clear then that both men and women can enjoy this wonderful area. erogenous. Caressing this specific area of the human anatomy can offer fantastic sensations. What are you waiting for? Whether for the pleasure of your sexual partner or yourself, it can be an extremely pleasurable experience.
"It's only happened to me on two occasions, but it has it was an incredible experience"Another interviewee recounted. "My ex-partner was also very surprised. It didn't happen to me again until this summer, with a stranger and too many too many drinks.... everyone's attention is drawn to it". It is important to open up to experiences that are so often overlooked.. It is about follow the techniques gently and listen to your partnerYou may find yourself with a unexpected orgasm!