Explaining that you are an escort - A task that can take a lifetime,
In this kind of job, it is common to want to explain that you are an escort to your parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances. Many people feel the need to explain their position and the reasons why they do this activity.
We can't tell you whether or not to do it; however, we are here to give you an overview of what can happen when you say you are Buenos Aires escortboth positive and negative reactions.
How to explain that you are an escort
Coming out has been a popularised term for making your sexual identity known to the rest of the world. However, it is not only used to say that you are gay, trans, bisexual, polyamorous or any other similar situation. For escorts in Capital Federal "Coming out" means having to talk to the people closest to you and tell them what you do for a living.

Need to explain that you are an escort
For the most part, the need to express what a escort from Zona Norte is dedicated, is born out of avoiding misunderstandings. While it is not easy to arrive one day and say "Hi, I'm a sex worker", it is better to face the situation and keep control before they approach you and awkwardly ask "What do you do?
Saying what you do for a living can be a turning point. Most people end up puzzled as they don't know how to react. Equally, if you are in a relationship or intend to be in a relationship, it is best to mention it at the outset, even before you start the relationship, as saying it later can feel like a confession.
Reactions to your disclosure
People who may react when you want to explain that you are an escort tend to fall on a spectrum ranging from lukewarm approval ("I'm fine with it") to over-enthusiasm to fear ("I need you to tell me everything!"). Usually, people who react this way are willing to talk about it afterwards.
Perhaps the worst reaction is that of emptiness. We refer to the sudden interruption of the conversation, or a total lack of reaction that indicates discomfort. This reaction is most common in family members and close friends, who may react differently after assimilating the information, but this would be the initial reaction.
Who to explain that you are an escort
For security reasons, it is always necessary that at least one person, at least one person, within your intimate environment knows about your trade as a Belgrano escort. However, we know that explaining that you are an escort can be a very tedious process.
Once you tell someone what you do, you lose the power of that information, so you must be very sure of what you are going to do and who you are going to let have this information. Having a discussion invites ridicule, but not having one can make you feel like you are keeping secrets from the people you care about.
It will become easier and easier to do so
Once you have opened the door to explain that you are an escort, you will have several conversations that will let you know what you can and cannot say. You will have positive and negative experiences, you will have to learn how to handle both situations.
Over time, the stigma associated with coming out of the wardrobe when you're Caballito escort will be less of an issue. Every time someone from the industry appears on television, writes a book or gets involved in politics, it helps to normalise sex work, making it a little easier for those who have not yet disclosed what they do to do.

Feeling the need to explain that you are an escort can be a temporary or permanent need in your life. The important thing is that, once you make the decision to disclose that you are an escort, you feel good about it. As we said before, the information is no longer yours once you share it with someone else. Therefore, you must be careful to choose this person well so that this decision doesn't have negative repercussions on you later on.
Also, if you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as Two-minute game y Sex worker.