High class escorts - The most famous prostitutes in history,
As most people know, prostitution is the oldest profession in the world; it is for this reason that we will now mention some of the names of the women who have practiced this profession and who have been considered to be high class escorts, because most of them have been lovers of very famous people in history.
We find ourselves in a society that for a long time was dominated by men, sex was the best methodology for women to gain access to power and wealth.
This remains a premise to this day, as throughout history and up to the present day, the women escorts have turned sex into a profession; some have managed to gain power and do what they wanted.
The 9 most famous high-class escorts in history
Friné (Ancient Greece)
This escort lady She belonged to a group of women called hetairas, who practised prostitution and were trained in music and dance. This woman's beauty was compared to that of Aphrodite and she was accused of impiety, but her lawyer, Hyperides, stripped her naked in the middle of the trial and her beauty moved the judges and saved her life.
Messalina (Ancient Rome)
She is known for being the wife of the emperor Claudius and for having many lovers, including one who tried to overthrow her husband. Once, when the emperor was absent, this woman challenged Scylla, the high class escort Rome's most famous woman, to a competition to see how many men she could sleep with in one night. It is believed that Messalina managed to do it with 200 men, while Scylla only managed to say "that wretch has bowels of steel".
Theodora (Byzantine Empire)
This case is known as a escort lady managed to become an empress, this woman started out as a dancer and actress. In Byzantium, these activities were related to sexual servicesThey exhibited themselves equally on and off stage. In one of her plays called "Leida and the swan" she put corn in her private parts for the swan to eat and pretended to be raped.
She then became a palace spinner, where she met Justinian, the future emperor, and later became the most famous empress.
Veronica Franco (16th century-Venice)
She was a famous courtesan in the city of Venice, which at the time was noted for having very beautiful and cultured women. She was a escort de upper class She was very cultured and some of the city's intellectuals used to meet in her house. She became so famous that she was even an activist for women's rights, and she also did charity work for poor courtesans. Franco was accused of witchcraft, but was later acquitted. She was never heard from again until her late forties when she died.
Nell Gwyn (17th century-England)
Considered to be a famous actress from England who in her past became a high class escortBut after achieving fame, she became the mistress of King Charles II and bore him two sons, both of whom became nobles.
Madame Du Barry (18th century-France)
She was the last mistress of King Louis XV. She was the daughter of a seamstress and worked as a luxury prostitute. At the age of 19 she met the king and he fell in love with her. The king made her his mistress, gave her the title of countess, jewels and income, and at the same time earned the hatred of the royal family.
Cora Pearl (19th century-England)
She was a Paris courtesan who became the mistress of aristocrats. Her popularity declined when VIP escorts younger people replaced her, so her wealth vanished. She later published a book that no one read and then did a much more sexually explicit version that was a bombshell.
La Bella Otero (early 20th century-Spain/France)
This luxury escort was raped when she was a child, then she started as a dancer, until a banker took her to Paris; from then on she began her life as an artist and courtesan, being a mistress and VIP escort of aristocrats and kings. She died ruined and alone at the age of 96.
Divine Brown (1990s-USA)
This woman became a member of the group of High class escorts when the actor of the moment, Hugh Grant, sought her out to perform oral sex on her on a Los Angeles street. After this event, Grant's image was shattered, while Brown sold this story to a publishing house, made a video of what happened and posed for some advertising campaigns. Over the years, she squandered her money, turned to crime and returned to prostitution. Even today she charges more money.
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