Financial domination - Taking pleasure in giving money to others
In the world of sexual pleasure, the ways in which a man can experience arousal are varied, and probably one of the lesser known is the financial domination.
As part of the erotic spectrum involving BDSM-related practices. The financial domination is a delicately balanced art that has gained notoriety in recent years. It involves a relationship where one person with sufficient purchasing power hands over control of his or her money to another; to spend and manage it as he or she sees fit.
This type of domination is particularly difficult to explain and categorise, as the perceived sexual satisfaction does not come about through any physical contact or sensual fantasy; rather, it arises from the emotion felt by the slave at being stripped of his or her economic power.
Your money no longer belongs to you, you have no control over it; instead, you provide luxuries to your Dominatrix and she tells you exactly what or how you can afford to spend it. And maybe if you only settle for this simple vision of what is considered the financial dominationIf you are one of those who struggle to make ends meet, the idea may not sound very appealing, especially if you are one of those who struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis.
After all, the purpose of paying someone just for the pleasure of limiting your finances is not something anyone can take on. But that is exactly why men with a lot of zeros in their bank account seek this kind of service; as a way of releasing negative feelings related to it.
Financial dominance
Nevertheless, the financial domination is a stimulating practice, albeit a very costly one, whose gratification is associated with complex feelings and often does not even require a "relationship" to carry it out. It all depends on the specific needs of the slave that must be satisfied in order to achieve sexual pleasure.
So if you're interested in how it's possible to achieve orgasm by leaving your money in someone else's hands, here's how to do it. what is financial dominance? and how you can start practising it.

What is true financial dominance?
To determine for certain what the reasoning behind a practice such as financial domination is, we must remember that like all erotic elements related to the BDSM world, it is also based on the principle of compensation.
Unlike the Dominant/submissive or Sadist/masochist relationship, financial domination has nothing to do with sexual games such as bondage or beatings; rather it is linked to the making of payments or transactions (usually by wealthy men) to female Dominatrixes with the intelligence, character and ability to use their brilliant minds to manipulate, humiliate, blackmail or make them feel inferior or needy.
And for these men whose economic power is so high that usually little can stop them; coming face to face with a dominant woman who will shamelessly strip them of all their greatness and demand more and more from them is the stimulus they need to reach orgasm.
Of course, this depends on what specific emotion the slave needs to arouse in order to feel sexually aroused; for it may simply be the desire to look like a provider and indulge his mistress's every whim.
But whatever phase you want to try, the one thing that is clear is that while your mistress will spend your money on the best things she can buy, you will probably resort to the humility of a popular market to support yourself throughout the duration of your relationship.
Why does it cause so much satisfaction?
While financial domination may sound like a bad joke, it can actually bring incredible pleasure.
On a psychological level, most men who resort to this practice do so to feel useful when constant earning becomes meaningless or because they feel guilty that they have not done enough to deserve it. Others just want to regain the drive to strive for more, knowing that they have a mistress to satisfy.
On a smaller scale, knowing that someone else is pleased with what you worked so hard to provide produces a heady feeling. Things like seeing her wearing clothes she bought with your money.
This fact probably takes force with the cultural shift in gender-related ideology, with women now taking control of their own lives; the role of the male breadwinner or sole provider is no longer relevant.
With this, a surprising number of millionaire men find themselves in unsatisfactory relationships; with money-related complexes that have rendered them incapable of obtaining pleasure by more ordinary methods; and they turn to financial domination to find someone who can help them eliminate that feeling.

How can you practice financial mastery?
To practice financial domination you must first have a steady flow of money with which you can pay a professional to be your Dominatrix. They don't like to waste their time with phone calls or meetings; if the guy who is interested in their services doesn't really have the money to pay them.
If you still think you have what it takes, you can access a number of websites dedicated exclusively to the practice of financial dominationwhere you will find a wide range of Dominatrixes with a description of their service so that you can choose the one you think may be the right one for you.
Make a careful agreement on the terms of the relationship and make the payment. If you are not looking for something stable, you can pay per session and adjust your interests based on each experience.
With the financial dominationThe pleasure of giving someone else the power to do with your money as they please can be an incredible stimulant. BDSM is a wide world where you can find something perfect for you; and yes, you can try it with a beautiful Argentinian escort.
Among the services offered by some VIP escorts, there are some with domination services with which you can experience an approach to these erotic practices. Likewise, in our blog you can find all kinds of information about how to play BDSM with the toys of an escort.