Sexual tips - Escort techniques for any situation,
Sex is an activity that we all aspire to do well, yet there is a lack of information about how to do it. The main reason for this lack of sexual tips is that it is taboo in many parts of the world, mainly in the West, where talking publicly about sex is uncomfortable or vulgar.
Moreover, there is a belief that this activity is natural and that we should all know how to have sex. However, the reality is different: having sex is a learned behaviour, so you have to work at it, practice it and learn from it.
Before mentioning some of the best tips for VIP escorts from Buenos AiresIt is important to keep in mind that sex is complicated because people are complicated creatures. What works and works for one person may not work for another.
Top 5 sex tips for escorts
Reduce speed
Sex is not a race, it's not just about reaching orgasm and that's it. One of the best sexual tips that you can put into practice by being escort from Capital Federalis to focus on games that generate connectivity, complicity and satisfaction. This foreplay where you can touch, undress, kiss and explore is the best part of sex, because it is the right way to have satisfying sex. If you rush it, you won't be able to have real enjoyment.
Also, a woman tends to take longer to feel pleasure than a man, so allowing bilateral enjoyment to be achieved takes time, you have to explore, touch, feel and discover what the other person likes, so everything will be more fun, this can take hours of sexual play, it is not something you will achieve in minutes.

Make eye contact
If you are a North Zone whore and you don't look your date in the eye, this can lead to uncertainty, insecurity and lack of pleasure. Among the best sexual tips is to have eye contact with whom you will share a moment of pleasure; regardless of whether you have casual or constant sex.
If you maintain eye contact with your client there is less chance of being distracted, you will concentrate more and generate more presence and pleasure. In addition, the gaze says what words cannot express, allowing for greater feelings to be involved and greater enjoyment.
Don't hesitate to ask questions
Making sure that everything is OK is ideal, especially when you are new as a VIP escort in Belgrano. Ask if your partner likes what you are doing, if they are comfortable with it, or if they want something in particular. Look for fun, but always be perceptive, sensing when he or she is most pleased, rather than being direct with the question.
By asking questions, you will get feedback from your customer that will give you insight into their likes and dislikes, generating games that will enhance the experience for both of you. If you follow our sexual advice, your technique will improve and your ego will grow.
Try more than sex
Remember that it is not a script, being Recoleta escort you can engage in foreplay. It's not just about sex and orgasms! Give way to experimentation, to adventure, to new things. Don't follow a pattern... caress, talk, touch, massage and you'll see that this will keep sex interesting.
Try different forms of sex, use toys or mutual masturbation, anything that takes you out of the script!
Never forget to breathe! We know sex is exciting, but breathing deeply is one of the most important things you can do. sexual tips that you can't put aside.
Breathing deeply will keep you relaxed and connected to your partner, and you'll be able to pick up his vibe without him noticing. It will also help you prolong your orgasm.

All these sexual tips are necessary to achieve true connection and great enjoyment. If you follow our advice you will be more confident and your ego will be boosted when you see that you generate pleasure.
Also, if you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as Honest communication y Details of an appointment.