Conditions to be an escort - How to know if you have what it takes ,
Unlike other jobs, if you want to be memorable and attract the right kind of clients, you need certain qualifications to be an escort. From knowing how to dress to what make-up to wear. From knowing how to make a good conversation, to knowing how to "read" your date, so you can change your approach according to her personality, her disposition, or her sexual preferences. And finally, having mad sexual skills.
To be escort from Capital Federal It is not an easy job and it is not for everyone. The best thing to do is to find out if you are ready for this kind of work and, if not, to reconsider your career.
How to know if you are qualified to be an escort
Being a supplier is exhausting both physically and mentally. It is energy draining and can easily distract you from any other activity or life you want to have outside of work. Being able to separate your personal life from your life as an escort is what makes the difference from being a mediocre service provider, to being an unforgettable escort who delivers a top service.

Set a goal and keep it in mind as a reminder.
To be fit to be an escort is to know why you are doing this kind of work. Also, having an end goal in mind is an excellent way to start your activity as an escort. escort from Zona Norte. If the reason you are working as a sex service provider is wrong, you may want to reconsider your decisions.
We are talking about women who do this after having a history of emotional or physical abuse, women who do it to get revenge on an ex, or women who do it thinking they have a chance to get a great potential lover. Those are not proper motives for being an escort.
Treat accompaniment as a regular job
Try to offer your services as an escort according to a set schedule. Always leave room for free time and respect your rest hours. This way you won't overdo it and end up exhausted and burnt out.
Create a space to entertain your customers
Part of being fit to be an escort is to make a difference between your private life and your working life. It would be best to have a different call-out location for your work activity. Belgrano escortor a co-location with a colleague, so that you can better distinguish between your work and your private life.
Take a holiday
If you work on public holidays, try to work on a rotational basis. For example, if you work at Easter, try to have Christmas off. On the other hand, if you had a "normal" job you would take time off just for yourself, to go on a girls-only trip, or on holiday with your partner. So why not do exactly that even when you work as an escort?
Posting opening hours on your website or profile
One of the most demanding conditions to be an escort, it is important to indicate at all times the time of the day when you are available for a potential client to contact you. Likewise, you must indicate the type of communication you prefer (WhatsApp, email, text message, phone call, etc.).

Setting boundaries with your clients
Like Caballito escortIt is important that your dates know when to contact you and that they respect this. In this way they will take care that you have a personal private life and will not bother you when you are on holiday. This way they will know not to bother you outside of the date you have planned and scheduled.
If you can't make the difference between your life as an escort and your personal life, then you are not fit to be an escort. VIP escort. Understand that doing this is necessary, otherwise you will feel exhausted and your dates will not respect your privacy or your boundaries.
Also, if you find this type of article interesting, we invite you to read many others on our blog. Such as Coming out of the wardrobe y Maintaining a hard erection.
Comments (1)
Milu Paez
5 months ago
I would like to be your best choice in escort, I am kind, nice and respectful, you can chat about the topics you are interested in with me and I love to play on dates.