Hostile customers - How to deal with disrespectful customers ,
In all occupations involving dealings with the public, there shall be hostile customersThose whose personality and way of behaving reflect violence, whether verbal, physical or psychological. In your profession as a escort argentinaAlthough it is ideal to identify them early on, we know how unpredictable human beings are in general.
The angry customers are those who express their annoyance in varying degrees and with different consequences, if they go to the extreme of aggressiveness. They usually express frustration or disappointment with a product or service they dislike; in this sense, many others use this tactic to manipulate you and try to get you to do what they want, taking advantage of your fear.
Whatever the case may be, it is important that you know how to act when a problem arises with hostile customersespecially because it should be recognised, your work as a VIP escort is not easy by any means. So here are some guidelines to consider when you have to deal with angry customers.

How to deal with disrespectful customers via WhatsApp and phone calls
If someone wants to book an appointment with you, the first means they will use to contact you will be through WhatsApp messages and phone calls; to the number you have published in your profile.
Signs that the client is rude are evident in the way they speak, with few gestures of kindness and a loud tone of voice, unnecessary to communicate any ideas or thoughts they may have.
On these occasions, if he or she uses offensive language or denigrating insults to refer to you, remember that as a escort CABAYou set the limits; you also have the power to reject any potential customer, which you do not trust.
In this sense, if the attack continues, even though you have tried to handle the situation in the nicest possible way, the best thing to do is to block the person, to avoid contact and therefore bad feelings.
Angry customers in person - how to respond to this situation
It may happen that the person who has booked an evening with you, at the first sign of hostility, will not show any signs of hostility and when the time comes to meet, out of some kind of dissatisfaction, will start to show his or her anger. This usually starts with a change in their body language; you can tell because they cross their arms, frown, raise their voice and their posture reflects unease.
In these cases, even if you are a woman, you must be smart and always be in control, with kindness (not passivity); you can respond with a series of psychological tricks, which allow you to get rid of these hostile customers in that uncomfortable moment, without escalating to a worse situation.
Actively listen to the customer
Perhaps the client's frustration is because something happened that you overlooked or, alternatively, something did not happen that they expected and their expectations were not met. In any case, we recommend that you remain silent for a moment while the client expresses himself; this will give you all the ideas you need to respond assertively and not to further extend the conflict.

Politely remind hostile customers of the established limits.
The client may have suffered a mental lapse or a small episode of amnesia of convenience; if this happens, gently remind them of the boundaries you set at the beginning. Even if the person is starting to come to their senses, you can politely show the WhatsApp conversation you had, where you clearly stipulated what you did and did not do.
Generate customer feedback
This means that if the client is only going to consider his own reasons and views, then take him to the point where he himself generates the solution; as we said earlier, the important thing is to prevent the conflict from escalating into something bigger.
Some hostile customers don't give alternatives to anything, so the best thing to do is to let them vent their frustration and then go over the terms of the agreed booking and make them wonder whether you really kept your side of the bargain. If they realise that you did not, in fact, renege on the agreement, you will have intelligently won the argument.
Remain calm at all times, don't fall into the realm of an angry customer.
It sounds difficult, but it's the best thing to do if you're a escort girlRemember that violence breeds violence and you do not want to unnecessarily escalate a conflict with any hostile customer. Remember that under the emotions of anger, people do not know how to control themselves.
Keep in touch with someone you trust
Without wishing to be alarmist, it is important that when a problem situation occurs with a client, you maintain communication with someone you trust and report what is happening; this is so that you can indicate where you are, with whom and if the situation escalates to one where you are in danger. If it unfortunately escalates to that level, at least you will have someone to help you or alert the authorities.

When the situation escalates to physical contact with hostile customers
In the worst case scenario, an angry customer may try to assault you; therefore, it is essential that you know what to do if this happens. The recommendation is that you know self-defence, a series of techniques that you can learn if you take any certified course from an Argentinean school.
It is not entirely about learning to fight, but about defending yourself and opening up an opportunity to flee. Your integrity is important and can be compromised in an attack you receive, so learn to defend yourself properly.
As an independent or agency escort, you will have to deal with hostile customersAlthough it is unfortunate, not everyone who wants to hire you will be nice, so you should follow all the recommendations in this article. If you want to learn more, you can continue reading this blog: Escort lingerie y Erotic Massages.