Virtual Escorts
Virtual Escorts
What services do the girls in the virtual modality offer?
The escorts that offer our services in the virtual modality, provide almost all the services of a conventional escort, but without the physical contact or the escort service.
However, we do offer sexting, sex calls, photos, videos and video calls.
When can I contact a virtual girl?
Generally, to contact us you don't need so much time in advance.
It is recommended that you can contact us a few minutes before you want to pay for the service, so you can be sure that we have the time available at that time to assist you.
Can two people contact a virtual girl for the same session?
It depends on the girl you want to contact.
Some of us prefer to keep our services exclusive to one client at a time. However, some escorts have no problem attending video calls from more than one client at the same time.
How much does a virtual modality girl charge?
Each of us has a different rate.
Our services are varied and so are the conditions to carry them out.
Since most of us work independently, we can place the rate that best suits our services.
Do virtual girls offer GFE services?
It depends on each girl.
Some of us prefer to keep in contact with our clients specifically at the time the exchange is to take place. Some others may spend some amount of time pre- or post-service doing GFE.
Of course, this is provided that the client understands that it is an additional service and must pay the corresponding fee.