Escorts Ramos Mejia
Escort in Ramos Mejía
What to do during my first date with an escort in Ramos Mejía?
The first thing you must do is to follow all the indications we have given you for our first appointment. Among them, you will find that you must be very well groomed and that you must comply with the agreed schedule.
Also, remember to be kind and polite. Tell us if it is your first time with an escort in Ramos Mejia, do not take pictures and enjoy yourself.
What kind of clients do transsexual escorts serve?
Honestly, it is a personal decision of each escort.
Some of us have a type of clients that we don't like to cater to, or we don't orient our services to them. Others are willing to attend heterosexual, gay or bisexual clients. Some escorts only attend men, others only women. This will depend on the decision of each escort in Ramos Mejia.
Can I have a threesome with a VIP escort from Ramos Mejía and my partner?
Most of us would say yes.
The good thing about being independent escorts is that we have the decision in our hands to serve the clients we want and provide the services we want.
So, after consulting very well with your partner, the first thing you should do is to inform us of your intentions during the pre-date conversation.
Can I invite a VIP escort to a social event?
As long as you have the possibility and we are in agreement, the answer will always be: yes.
Some of us escorts in Ramos Mejia prefer to limit ourselves to seeing our clients for social events or sex dates. Other escorts only accept appointments for breakfast, lunch or other activities.
Before making an appointment with any of us, you must let us know what type of appointment you would like to have and where you would like to meet.
How do escorts in Ramos Mejia decide which clients to serve?
As we have indicated before, escorts in Ramos Mejia have the possibility to choose who to attend and who not to attend. This means that we make reservations only to those we want to meet.
Generally, we have a several minutes conversation and ask for some checks before giving a concrete answer to our customers.
If the client has a bad attitude, we have the opportunity to rule out the physical encounter.